Caviar 101: Why the Spoon Matters

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We sometimes get so caught up in enjoying the experience of caviar in the moment that we forget the pillars of presentation and etiquette that come with the tradition of caviar.

A prime example is something like a caviar spoon. It might seem to be a small aspect of caviar service, but there’s more than meets the eye when exploring this simple aspect of the caviar world.

Yes, a spoon can make all the difference in your caviar experience. Choosing the wrong implements for your caviar service can turn everything around for the worse.

That’s why we’re focusing strictly on utensils in this article, since we think it should be part of everyone’s caviar 101 education. We want everyone to experience caviar in its purest, most enjoyable form, which means using the right instruments and avoiding some rookie mistakes.

Let’s get right into why the spoon matters in the high-stakes world of caviar, and what you can do to maximize your next caviar service with the right gear, etiquette, and more.

What’s the Big Deal About Spoons?

Before we get into the science behind how certain materials react with caviar, you might wonder if spoons are really that big of a deal when it comes to serving this delicacy.

To those uninitiated in the  secret world of caviar, it’s easy to see why this question raises eyebrows. Most people don’t think twice about serving utensils in most situations, apart from maybe a formal event or family gathering around the holidays.

Caviar is in a league of its own, however. Every facet of the experience must meet the highest possible standards to make it all worthwhile.

Considering the high price of caviar and its luxury reputation, the least we can do is live up to that legacy and scoop our caviar with quality, well-crafted utensils that heighten the experience. These allow for the full enhancement of flavors.

Metal: The Enemy of Caviar

We now know why spoons are considered so important to caviar connoisseurs, but when it comes to choosing utensils, what are the ground rules to follow if you don’t have as much experience serving caviar?

Before we get to the acceptable types of spoons for caviar service, we’ll start with what to avoid.

First and foremost, metal is the main adversary of caviar, and here’s why:

The Science Behind Metal and Caviar

It might sound like a myth if you’ve never experienced it for yourself, but caviar veterans can attest to the truth: eating caviar with a metal spoon is a mistake on all counts.

Specifically, we’re talking about metals with high concentrations of a single material, whether that be silver, nickel, bronze, or aluminum. Alloys, on the other hand, are not considered so egregious when serving caviar due to advanced chemical makeup, but they should still be avoided in favor of approved materials if possible.

Oxidation is the culprit here, explaining why caviar and metals don’t mix. This is a process by which oxygen is rapidly introduced to an environment and alters the structure of the material on a chemical level. In the case of caviar (a delicate and highly sensitive ingredient), even the slightest alteration in any mode can impact flavor and texture significantly.

Even if you aren’t a seasoned caviar taster, you would know that something is amiss if you were to taste caviar with standard silverware or another type of metallic utensil.

The Threat of Oxidation

The oxidation reaction happens quickly, and even if only a part of the caviar scoop comes into contact with the utensil, the strong metallic flavor imparted to those eggs can disrupt the entire tasting experience.

When oxidized even slightly, caviar loses some of its natural flavors and takes on some characteristics of the metal to which it was exposed. With more prolonged exposure, there may be a physical exchange of molecules between the caviar and surface material itself.

This means that you’d be ingesting a portion of solid silver, nickel, or iron when you scoop that caviar onto your toast—yuck. 

In worst-case scenarios, metal utensils can be ruined by coming into contact with caviar over long durations of time. The only thing worse than destroying the taste of your caviar is having your favorite set of silver be marked up with unwanted streaks, stains, and splotches from oxidation.

Do what’s right for your caviar and your silverware, and avoid having these two items come into direct contact if you can help it.

Let No Caviar Go to Waste

We issue this warning against metals not only because we want to save you the hassle of finding out this truth the hard way but also because we have a genuine  love and appreciation for caviar and the work that goes into this production.

Sturgeon take at least two decades to mature, and caviar producers undergo a long, laborious process to extract the eggs of the female in a way that preserves their integrity and natural attributes.

On top of that, there are obstacles of conservation, regulation, and other restrictions that make caviar production a challenge from start to finish.

That’s why we advise that caviar be  enjoyed in the proper way with correct utensils. This ensures that not an ounce of caviar goes to waste, and every customer gets the exact experience they deserve.

Types of Caviar Spoons to Use

If you take one thing away from this article, it’s that you should never use metal utensils to serve or scoop caviar in any capacity.

Even if everything in your kitchen is made from the finest sterling silver in the world, make sure it doesn’t touch your  prized Ossetra or Kaluga caviar under any circumstances.

But with all that out of the way, what is the right type of spoon to use for tasting caviar? Plus, what other implements should you look to add to your collection?

Here’s our list of accepted caviar serving spoons and their unique characteristics:

Mother of Pearl

This is the spoon you’ve seen in advertisements, in movies, and anywhere caviar is served.

Nacre, also known as mother of pearl, is a unique composite material made from both organic and inorganic compounds. The material is produced as an inner shell layer by mollusks (think snails, clams, and nautilus) and is made of amazing hexagonal platelets of calcium carbonate.

When crafted into a spoon, this iridescent material creates a gorgeous bright contrast against the dark grey and green caviar pearls. It offers a strong, reliable, and non-reactive surface that only enhances the dining experience.


Because this material comes from an endangered species, you won’t expect to find it at your local kitchen goods store. In fact, selling shells is illegal in most countries.

However, you can be certain that tortoiseshell spoons were the go-to material for kings, queens, and elite guests who  enjoyed caviar in centuries past.

Imitation tortoiseshells might be available and are composed of plastic and biomaterials.

Animal Horn

Horns from animals like bison and buffalo are often used as substitutes for mother of pearl spoons and make a great serving utensil for caviar.

They come in cool colors, have a strong structure, and won’t react with your caviar in a negative way. For a fun twist on the classic nacre spoons, check out what’s available for animal horn spoons—sustainable, of course.


If metal is off the table, why not use wooden spoons to serve caviar?

This is less of a popular pick, not just due to the unappealing contrast of this material with caviar pearls but also the fact that wood is somewhat grippy and absorbent.

Wooden spoons will stain if mixed with caviar oils for too long, and the experience won’t be as authentic. Still, this is miles better than metal, so use wood if you must.


Given the sleek appearance and attributes of glass, you’d think it would be a more popular material to make caviar serving spoons.

It’s not used so often, probably due to its delicate structure and transparency.


There’s one metal that gets the green light when scooping caviar, and that’s gold. If you’re really living large, grab yourself some real gold serving spoons and take your entire serving standard to another level.


You might think that plastic and caviar should never be on the same table, but these little disposable spoons are used all the time, even in high-end settings.

Plastic is cheap, ensures sanitation, and most importantly, doesn’t affect the flavor of the caviar.

Respect the Caviar Tradition (and Get Your Money’s Worth)

Aside from the astounding flavors of the food itself, enjoying caviar is all about acknowledging tradition, upkeeping etiquette, and basking in the luxury of it all.

Avoiding metal spoons is part of that, and also making sure you use utensils  that enhance the experience. Follow these tips, and you’ll have nothing but flawless caviar services from here on out.


Russian Tradition | Petrusco

How to Serve Caviar | Caviar House

Subscriptions | Caviar Club

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