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What Is Bottarga and How Is it Used?

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The world of food is packed with endless surprises and with something new and exciting at every turn. Just when you think you’ve learned it all, there’s a new type of cuisine, a special technique, or an exotic ingredient to discover.

For those who haven’t yet heard of bottarga, you’re in for a treat. This ingredient doesn’t have a ton of traction in the United States, but it’s slowly catching on. It’s the perfect time to learn more before it sweeps the nation.

Bottarga might seem unusual to unadventurous Western diners, but we guarantee a change of heart once you learn the intricacies of its production, legacy, and incredible effect on even the simplest of dishes.

In this article, let’s cover bottarga from A to Z, giving you all the must-know info about this beloved ingredient and offering some tips for how to obtain and utilize it like a pro.

Bottarga Basics

If you’re oblivious to bottarga, it’s best to start with some basics before getting into different varieties and culinary use cases.

Here are the essential points to set the stage:

Definition and Background

Bottarga is a unique ingredient by every metric.

It is a salted and cured product of fish roe that takes the form of a dry, hardened slab, packed with intense flavor and broad potential for seasoning, flavoring, and enjoyment on its own.

The key difference-maker is that bottarga is made from the entire egg pouch of the fish, which makes it distinct from other fish roe products that isolate individual eggs and package them by the ounce in sealed containers.

Although many American eaters are unfamiliar with bottarga, the delicacy has a rich and varied history. Ancient civilizations around the world seem to have some form of this product.

Records show that fish roe has been cured in this manner as early as the 10th century BC, more than 2,000 years ago.

The name “bottarga” is Italian in origin. This term is thought to come from older Arabic or Byzantine Greek words used to describe terms like “pickled” and “eggs”.

The famous Italian Renaissance writer Bartolomeo Platina is credited with the earliest use of the word “bottarga” in his 1474 volume De Honesta Voluptate which happens to be the first printed cookbook according to historical record.

The fact that bottarga made its way into the world’s original cookbook shows that this ingredient is not to be overlooked, even after five and a half centuries!

Appearance, Flavor, and Health

We’ll get more into the types of bottarga from around the world soon. But, first, let’s talk about what bottarga looks like, what it tastes like, and what makes this ingredient so memorable and distinctive in so many cultures.

Size, Color, and Characteristics

When you first lay eyes on a slab of bottarga, it might raise some eyebrows, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience in the world of unique ingredients.

The size and shape of bottarga depend on the fish from which it comes, which tends to alternate between Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, and Flathead Grey Mullet.

Since mullet are typically less than two feet long, their egg pouches are likewise quite small. Subsequently, the average bottarga yield is less than five ounces and under eight inches long.

Tuna, on the other hand, can grow to enormous sizes. The cured roe from these fish can be well over a foot long and weigh several pounds, depending on the catch.

Keep in mind that the salting and curing process for this product has a shrinking effect on the egg pouch as it’s first extracted from the fish, meaning that yield does vary based on production methods and other factors.

The color of bottarga is one of the more striking attributes of this ingredient, ranging from bright, shiny oranges to deep mahogany reds and less inspiring shades of grey.

When cut open, bottarga can either be consistent in color the whole way through or have a different color interior based on the preservation method or the type of exterior coating (rind) added by the producer.

The most prized bottarga products are known for more electrifying colors since this adds another appealing dimension to the dishes that benefit from bottarga. However, color doesn’t necessarily indicate a better or worse flavor once incorporated.

Finally, the firmness of bottarga can vary as well because of longer curing processes or the environmental conditions in which the fish of origin once lived. Some producers take pride in creating soft and tender bottarga. Others stay true to the Italian tradition of making bottarga as tough as aged parmesan cheese.

Taste and Texture

You might be thinking that bottarga looks out of the ordinary, and you’d be right, but just wait until you get a taste of this legendary ingredient.

The flavors of bottarga are often described as both delicate and intense, with saltiness and savory umami usually the first to be identified. Not only is fish roe naturally imbued with salt, the extended salting and curing process amplifies and deepens these flavors.

Similar to other oceanic delicacies, bottarga is also quite rich, coating the palate with even a small sliver. Experience bottarga by itself, and you will see that the velvety textures combined with powerful, complex flavors make for an unforgettable ride with each bite.

Once again, there are many variables at play in the bottarga production process. So, the final products have a range of different characteristics once they hit the plate.

Mediterranean bottarga is notably saltier and fish-forward, while products from East Asia may be more mild and soft with unexpected seasonings that alter the flavors significantly.

There may even be some noticeable differences in bottarga pieces from the same location and producer, depending on conditions and techniques employed in that particular batch of product.

With bottarga, you can always expect the unexpected, and it’s all about gathering new experiences and flavors along your journey.

Nutrition and More

Like so many prized seafood delicacies (sea urchin and  sturgeon caviar come to mind), bottarga is nutritionally dense, containing a unique profile of minerals, fats, amino acids, and more.

Scan the nutrition facts chart for bottarga; you’ll see a high concentration of quality saturated fast and omega-3 fatty acids. In moderation, both of these compounds are crucial to a healthy, happy, body and mind.

Bottarga is also loaded with protein, although this ingredient shouldn’t replace lean meats like chicken breast or finfish. The amount of sodium and cholesterol in bottarga goes to show that it should be used sparingly as an amusing appetizer or a finishing touch to an entrée.

The good news is that bottarga is totally free of carbs, sugars, and any artificial ingredients. When comparing bottarga to the majority of center-aisle snacks at your local grocery store, we can safely say this roe is in the top tier of health and overall enjoyment.

How Is Bottarga Made?

Ready to learn how the world’s most established producers make their bottarga? No matter where you go (in time or place), the process is largely the same.

Here’s how it’s done:

Production Process

The first part of bottarga production is also the most difficult: extracting the delicate egg pouch from the female fish so that it doesn’t break or flood with blood and other unwanted fluids.

It takes a steady hand and years of experience with a knife to safely remove the egg pouch from either a mullet or tuna. One wrong move, and the entire process is ruined before it even begins.

Not only is the egg pouch small and delicate, but it’s also hard to find in the belly of a fish.

This is not a technique that can be scaled to a huge industrial environment, so automation isn’t a concern here. Bottarga is hand-crafted from start to finish, making it an artisanal delight  deserving of high praise and prices, not unlike sturgeon caviar.

Once the egg pouch is secured and intact, it goes through another manual preparation stage in which it is massaged by hand. This step is meant to eliminate air pockets in the pouch.

Skip this step, and the bottarga will contain unwanted pockets of air that can ruin the texture and consistency of the final product. A compact, concealed piece of bottarga indicates the highest degree of quality and care during preparation.

From there, the bottarga is dried, then cured in sea salt for several weeks to several months at a time, based on the desired flavor profile and texture. While the most revered bottarga producers use nothing but sea salt, modern manufacturers may introduce sugars or nitrates to the mix to achieve more consistent results.

Finally, once fully cured, the bottarga is packaged, shipped, and enjoyed wherever it ends up.

Markets and Popularity

Although bottarga has been prepared and savored across cultures for many thousands of years, the product has only just begun to get the global recognition it deserves, with market data to back it up.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, bottarga production is up more than 50%, according to top Greek and Italian producers, who are enjoying a revival of natural Mediterranean cuisine around the world.

Between the increased appreciation for bottarga and  advanced fishing and farming methods, the future for bottarga and other delicacies of the sea is bright, even if US markets are still slightly behind the curve.

Different Types of Bottarga

We continue to refer to bottarga in its traditional Mediterranean form, but this ingredient can be found in many cultures with fascinating styles of preparation and culinary usages.

In Japan, for instance, karasumi is a form of mullet roe that has been salted and dried in sunlight while being progressively pressed and dehydrated. The process is laborious and precise, resulting in a highly refined and expensive final product that is enjoyed by itself with sake.

The Taiwanese wuyutsu is softer, while Korean eroan, which can come from the freshwater drum, is prepared in a blend of soy sauce and regional seasonings.

Cultures throughout Europe have their own takes on bottarga, utilizing fish from the area and preparing them according to tradition. In Spain, Bonito is the fish of choice next to Grey Mullet, while Black Drum and Common Ling are also used for this purpose.

Even Turkey and Western African countries like Mauritania and Senegal have adopted this roe preparation throughout the centuries, proving that the methodology is widely adaptable and versatile for many types of fish and environments.

How Is Bottarga Used?

Wondering how bottarga is actually used in the kitchen?

Here’s how the ingredient is used by home cooks and revered professional chefs around the world.

Classic Recipe

The most classic bottarga recipes feature a starch (typically pasta or creamy rice) in a white sauce with cheese. Light alfredo pasta, for example, or butter-and-garlic spaghetti, are two famous dishes that lend themselves well to the addition of bottarga grated over the top as a finishing touch.

Cooked risotto is another chef’s favorite that showcases bottarga perfectly. Best avoided are dishes with flavors that are already strong and overwhelming, such as spicy or rich red sauces, stews, or other heavy winter recipes.

Bottarga By Itself

If you’ve never tried bottarga or you’re just looking for an authentic Mediterranean experience with the ingredient, consider going back to basics and slicing it thinly to lay on a piece of flatbread with EVOO or butter.

This is a pure, undistracted way to experience both the texture and flavor of bottarga while also enjoying a well-rounded snack with support from the bread and fats.

Some brave diners might want to skip the bread altogether and just sprinkle their sliced bottarga with lemon juice and eat it plain, charcuterie style. From there, you can start to formulate how and when to use bottarga in the kitchen based on your palate and preferences.

Less is More

It’s definitely possible to go overboard on bottarga, especially when you first add the ingredient to your toolbox.

Keep the volume of bottarga low at first, and make sure everyone at your dinner party is aware of the ingredient before you add it!

Obtaining and Storing Bottarga

There has never been a better time to buy bottarga and make it part of your lineup.

Here’s what you should know:

How To Get Bottarga

Since bottarga is a heavily cured product, you don’t need to worry about  fast shipping or high standards of temperature controls as you would with caviar.

Simply browse offerings on the web, find a price you like, and ship a solid slab of genuine bottarga (or two) right to your door.

To start, we recommend Italian or Greek bottarga before branching out.

How To Store Bottarga

Bottarga can sit in your cupboard for several months unopened, but once the paper membrane has been broken, be sure to wrap it tightly and store it in a cool part of the fridge.

The product should last several weeks or more if stored properly and treated with care.

Add Bottarga to Your Repertoire

Maybe you’ve had a  taste of authentic caviar and you’re ready to explore something new. Bottarga is a great next step on your culinary path.

This guide gives you all you need to know about this amazing ingredient so you can quickly master bottarga and enjoy it with no limits.


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