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The Caviar Club Caviar

The Caviar Club Caviar
The Caviar Club Caviar
The Caviar Club Caviar

The Caviar Club Caviar

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Compare the decadent, long-lasting flavor of our briny Royal Ossetra with our mild and clean Kaluga Hybrid Reserve at just $1 per gram!

Shelf Life: Unopened, three weeks refrigerated. Once opened, consume within 48 hours. For best flavor consume when fresh, within 1 week of receipt.

Shipping: Perishable – ships Overnight with Stay-Fresh™ packing. 

Free shipping on any orders from $300.

Royal Ossetra Profile

Flavor: Bold, briny, oceanic

Size: Large

Most Common Color: Jade and gold

Species: Acipenser Guldenstadtii

Common Name: Ossetra Sturgeon

Kaluga Hybrid Reserve Profile

Flavor: Balanced, mild

Size: Large

Most Common Color: Dark amber to brown with gold

Species: Huso Dauricus/Acipenser Shrenckii

Common Name: Kaluga Huso Hybrid or River Beluga 


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No additional discount can apply to this product.


Compare the decadent, long-lasting flavor of our briny Royal Ossetra with our mild and clean Kaluga Hybrid Reserve at just $1 per gram!

Shelf Life: Unopened, three weeks refrigerated. Once opened, consume within 48 hours. For best flavor consume when fresh, within 1 week of receipt.

Shipping: Perishable – ships Overnight with Stay-Fresh™ packing. 

Free shipping on any orders from $300.

Royal Ossetra Profile

Flavor: Bold, briny, oceanic

Size: Large

Most Common Color: Jade and gold

Species: Acipenser Guldenstadtii

Common Name: Ossetra Sturgeon

Kaluga Hybrid Reserve Profile

Flavor: Balanced, mild

Size: Large

Most Common Color: Dark amber to brown with gold

Species: Huso Dauricus/Acipenser Shrenckii

Common Name: Kaluga Huso Hybrid or River Beluga 


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