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What is Kelp Caviar? Kelp and Seaweed Caviar Explained

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The bright and luscious pearls of genuine caviar are indeed a joy for all five senses, but it’s not a viable or affordable option for many people. 

Many vegetarians and vegans don’t touch real caviar for ethical reasons, while other health-conscience folks want to avoid the cholesterol and sodium for their health. There’s also the price factor – of course, not all fish caviar is true caviar, but real caviar isn’t cheap no matter where you look.

For those reasons, more foodies are looking more closely at delicious vegetarian caviar like kelp and seaweed caviar, which delivers a similar form factor without these many hang-ups. Of course, it’s not going to give you the same experience as true caviar, but it’s something to consider nonetheless. 

Let’s get into the story behind kelp caviar and talk about its pros and cons. Even if you prefer real caviar, this may be something you want to add to your fridge.


What is kelp caviar, anyways? Since real caviar is the salted roe of sturgeon, you might be scratching your head at the idea of a kelp-based variation.

No, the primary ingredient of kelp caviar is not roe at all—it's kelp seaweed. The name "caviar" is more of an homage than any accurate product description. However, to the untrained eye, kelp caviar shares a lot of the same visual characteristics and physical properties.

Here are a few more details to know about kelp caviar and its many variations:


Of all the plants in the world, very few are conducive to creating a caviar-like shape and consistency.

Kelp, a form of sea-native algae, just happens to have all the right stuff to create a valid caviar alternative. It is naturally gelatinous, making it perfect for the job. It's available in abundance and just keeps growing, making it entirely separate from the fishing industry.

It also has gas-filled bubbles at the base of its blades and leaves, creating that signature “pop” that we expect from real roe! Besides, kelp is a certified superfood with incredible health advantages. We’ll talk more about that later.


Maybe you aren’t ready to pony up the money for authentic caviar quite yet, or you just have cold feet about fish roe in general.

Kelp caviar gives us a way to enjoy a similar taste and texture profile to fish roe, and we can use it in all the old, familiar ways.

You can serve up kelp caviar with a traditional sterling silver setup and mother-of-pearl spoons, or just scoop it onto some crackers or toast with truffle products for a quick, high-energy snack.

You can also come up with gorgeous culinary creations with kelp caviar, from roasted potato coins to deviled eggs or even luxurious cheesy pasta dishes topped with pearls.

Kelp caviar is relatively affordable, meaning you can experiment in the kitchen to your heart’s content without worrying about breaking the bank. It’s the perfect way to master a caviar-based appetizer or entrée recipe in preparation for a fancy dinner party or at-home date night.

Did we mention that kelp caviar doesn’t discolor other foods it touches on the plate? That means you can snap perfect pictures of your latest sushi and toast creations with ease.

In short, kelp caviar is a decent stand-in for the real deal and a favorite for vegetarians.


With each scoop of kelp caviar, you get a bit of salt, a bit of sweetness, and the unbeatable sensation of bursting beads between the tongue and the roof of your mouth.

Kelp caviar is quite tasty, and it even comes in various natural flavors to get you closer to the experience of eating real roe. Be on the lookout for flavors like salmon, trout, and, yes, sturgeon.

You can also find other flavors such as wasabi, ginger, and carrot, perfect for the true vegetarians and vegans out there.

Full disclosure, however: kelp caviar is definitely not in the same ballpark as genuine sturgeon caviar when it comes to taste and texture.

True caviar delivers a far more complex profile of flavors, and the finish is superior in every way. The flavor of kelp is somewhat one-dimensional and not on the same level.

Caviar connoisseurs know this first hand – once you get a taste of the real thing, it’s tough to go back! This isn’t to say that kelp caviar isn’t without its charms. Just know that we’re talking about two completely different products that each have their time and place.


You might think that kelp doesn’t offer much in the way of nutrition, and in a sense, you’re right.

Kelp caviar is extremely low on calories, contains no fat or protein, and won’t give you much fuel in the tank to burn.

For some people, however, that’s great news for their diets! True sturgeon caviar is notoriously nutrient-dense (protein, fat, cholesterol, and omega-3 fatty acids), so the kelp version is certainly better for anyone trying to shed some pounds and slim down for summer.

There are few better options out there for vegetarians in need of an elegant addition to their daily snack routines. A scoop of kelp caviar can take any casual bite to the next level of luxury.


Kelp caviar might be lacking in macronutrients, but it makes up for that in a big way in the micronutrient department. Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, and many more – plus plenty of minerals like calcium from the fresh ocean waves.

Combine that with a healthy protein and some complex carbs, and you’ve got a true superfood meal that will keep you full and happy for a long time.

Plus, kelp caviar is quite low in salt, making it an excellent option for anyone watching their blood pressure and sodium intake.


Kelp is one of the most ancient vegetal species on planet earth, making it more similar to sturgeon than you may think.

It’s extremely abundant, grows in “forests” beneath the waves, and can be harvested aggressively without concerns of endangerment or extinction (a problem in the sturgeon world).

While modern aquaculture practices are certainly more eco-friendly than the traditional methods of sturgeon fishing, there’s no denying that kelp caviar has a dramatically smaller footprint in terms of environmental impact.

Whether you’re an activist vegan or you simply want to do your small part to help the planet, consider substituting kelp caviar once in a while instead of serving sturgeon roe every time.


For centuries, coastal civilizations have dried kelp and burned it in a controlled setting to create soda ash, also known as sodium bicarbonate. This “soda ash” has many industrial and household applications, plus it forms the foundation of kelp caviar.

Here’s a closer look at how kelp caviar is made these days:


Before it’s ground down into a fine powder, kelp is dried in large batches. It takes a lot of kelp to produce one jar of caviar, so this is usually quite labor intensive!

Only a few other ingredients are necessary at first, including citric acid, salt, and perhaps some natural flavors.


These ingredients are individually added to a pot of water, and a mixer blends them for an hour, producing a dark green gelatin. That gelatin is then processed through a “shower-head” mechanism that pops out little green pearls into a coagulation solution.

This is where the pearls really take form and start to resemble real caviar! A stabilizing agent is added to the mix to preserve shape before packaging.


After a few tests to check PH levels, the kelp caviar is transferred into individual jars, then placed in ovens for high-heat pasteurization.

This will ensure that the product lasts longer on shelves and in refrigerators worldwide, all with zero added preservatives.


The product is ready to ship once the labels are applied and all bases are covered. Most kelp caviars will last up to three months!


Kelp caviar is a marvel of ancient life and modern technology, and the product is something that everyone can enjoy regardless of their dietary restrictions.

But as we mentioned, there’s nothing that compares to the luxe experience of genuine sturgeon caviar from a top-tier producer. If you’ve tried kelp caviar or other types of basic roe such as tobiko, you owe it to yourself to try the real thing.

Authentic sturgeon caviar is more substantial in flavor, texture, and visual appeal. It’s a product that has no peers and something that really warrants a celebration!


You’ll need to be a bit more discerning when shopping for real caviar, especially online. Look for retailers that practice sustainable aquaculture and give you full transparency into the species and supply chains they use.

Also, make sure that your caviar is shipped expediently and with professional handling. You want that caviar to be as fresh as possible for maximum enjoyment!

Delicacies From the Sea

Who would have thought that a boring old batch of algae could be transformed into a smooth, delicate treat that tastes great and packs nutritional benefits?

Kelp caviar may not compare to the real deal, but it’s worth a closer look for the curious.


Ossetra  | Loft Caviar

Important facts about caviar |                        

How to Eat Caviar  | The Caviar House

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