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A Comprehensive Guide to the Different Types of Caviar

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TL;DR: This guide explores the diverse types of caviar, focusing on their origins, flavors, textures, and price points. Discover how to choose the best caviar for your first taste.

Main Points:

  • Definition of caviar and its origins
  • Overview of popular caviar types: Ossetra, Kaluga, Beluga, Sevruga, Hackleback, and Sterlet
  • Flavor profiles, textures, and price variations
  • Sustainable caviar farming practices
  • Where to buy premium caviar online

Your first exposure to caviar may have been colorful masago or plump, fishy Ikura pearls garnishing your sushi. Others encounter caviar for the first time at a party or celebration. When picturing this delicacy, they might imagine small, dark eggs contrasted against bright, white crème fraiche.

The truth is, there are almost as many types of decadent caviar as there are fish in the sea. However, not all varieties share the same high-quality standards.

Different types of caviar vary in taste, texture, rarity, and, ultimately, price. Only the best types of caviar have risen to luxury food status. Today, they have become staples on fine dining menus around the globe.

In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of caviar available. With this guidance, you can ensure your first taste is unforgettable.

What Type of Fish Does Caviar Come From?

First, let’s establish the true definition of caviar. While the roe you’ve sampled at your local sushi bar is delicious, it technically does not meet the definition. Formally, caviar refers only to the eggs of a sturgeon.

More often than not, each type of caviar is named for the specific variety of sturgeon it originates from. For example, Ossetra caviar comes from the Ossetra Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii), and Kaluga caviar comes from the Kaluga Sturgeon (Huso dauricus).

In this guide, we will only be discussing types of caviar that meet this definition.

Types of Caviar by Sturgeon Variety

Ossetra Caviar

Ossetra caviar is one of the most popular varieties of caviar worldwide, and for a good reason. Ossetra is renowned for its buttery, nutty flavor, smooth texture, and pleasant pop. It’s difficult to replicate the unique mouthfeel of this gourmet delicacy.

Though it tastes of the sea, the briny flavor tends to be subtle. More notable are the bright, almost citrusy notes that come through as the flavors develop on your tongue.

Typically, the larger and paler the roe, the more expensive Ossetra caviar will be. In fact, in the past, the lightest, golden-hued Ossetra caviar was reserved for royalty! In general, Ossetra is one of the more affordable varieties of caviar. That makes it an accessible option for those interested in trying caviar for the first time.

While the Ossetra Sturgeon is native to the Caspian Sea, they are currently endangered. Thus, Ossetra caviar is almost exclusively farmed. Using sustainable practices to raise and harvest this delicacy is crucial.

Kaluga Caviar

Kaluga caviar is a delicacy frequently compared to the costly Beluga caviar, which is not available in America. In fact, some refer to it as “river beluga,” as the Kaluga Sturgeon is native to the Argun River. However, culinary experts agree that farm-raised Kaluga produces some of the largest, most sumptuous caviar available today. The caviar with the most pleasant texture tends to come from the Kaluga hybrid sturgeon, which is sustainably farmed.

Like Ossetra caviar, Kaluga caviar has a nutty, buttery flavor. However, the briny taste of the sea is more apparent, making it an excellent accompaniment to seafood. The individual eggs tend to be larger. They pop pleasantly on the tongue and release a refreshing rush of subtle salinity.

Beluga Caviar

Beluga caviar has a reputation as the most expensive caviar in the world. The taste is so singular that this delicacy is frequently served alone, with few accompaniments. It is rare, as it can take the Beluga Sturgeon up to twenty years to spawn for the first time. A single Beluga Sturgeon can produce hundreds of pounds of caviar.

Currently, Beluga caviar is banned in the United States. A more accessible and affordable alternative is Kaluga caviar, which shares similar qualities.

The flavor is typically described as buttery and creamy. The rich undertones that linger on the tongue and develop over time. Many culinary experts agree it’s the variety with the fewest fishy undertones. It’s beloved for its large, pearl-like eggs and soft, delicate texture.

Three clear glass jars with gold lids featuring different types of red-hued caviar

Sevruga Caviar

Sevruga caviar stands out due to its small size, especially compared to the Ossetra, Kaluga, and Beluga varieties. Likewise, it has a unique flavor that tends to be bolder and more assertive than other types of caviar. It has high salinity and is often described as very rich. The small size means it tends to have a crisper, cleaner mouth-feel than other types of caviar.

Compared to other types of caviar prices, Sevruga falls on the lower end, making it more accessible.

Hackleback Caviar

The Hackleback Sturgeon is a small fish native to the United States. This type of caviar typically originates in the Missouri or Mississippi river basins. It has a firm texture and an earthy, nutty flavor. Because it is raised and processed domestically, it has one of the lowest price points of any luxury caviar.

Sterlet Caviar

Sterlet caviar is often compared to Sevruga caviar due to its mild flavor profile and small size. It’s mild, with a subtler flavor than many other types of caviar. It has a unique pearlescent gray color, making it a popular garnish in fine dining establishments.

The Sterlet Sturgeon makes its home in the Caspian Sea and is currently endangered. Thus, this variety tends to be rare and has a higher price tag to match. For a similar flavor and texture profile, Sevruga is a more affordable option.

Buy the Best Types of Caviar Online from Imperia Caviar

Imperia Caviar is a direct-to-consumer online retailer prioritizing selling sustainably sourced Ossetra and Kaluga hybrid caviar at the most accessible price points. They make it easy to experience some of the world’s finest types of caviar from the comfort of your home. Your caviar will arrive chilled and fresh, featuring flavors and textures you’ve never experienced before.

Shop now to experience the luxurious flavors of the world’s finest caviar for yourself.

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